Nathaniel Jeanson – New Information About Human DNA

Watch this video by Nathaniel Jeanson. Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson has uncovered some incredible new information about humanity’s DNA. Simon Turpin interviews Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson about his new book Traced.

What happened to the ancient Egyptians? The Persians? The Romans? The Mayans? Are we their descendants? Recent genetic research uncovered surprising links between us and the peoples of old—links that rewrite race, ethnicity and human history.


Richard Rives – Ron Wyatt Museum

Watch this video by Richard Rives at the Ron Wyatt Museum. God used Ron Wyatt to reveal many archaeological discoveries of the bible. In this interview, Richard Rives (director of Ron Wyatt Museum) talked about the archaeological treasures of this museum.


Andrew Snelling – Geological Evidence for a Young Earth

Watch this video by Andrew Snelling. eologist Andrew Snelling discusses geological evidences for a young earth, including the large extent of rock layers, a lack of significant erosion between the layers, and an absence of major bioturbation within the layers. The Coconino Sandstone provides abundant evidence of underwater origin. He and Del Tackett end by discussing the nature of the geological column and how it was originally a creationist concept.


David Wood – Why I Am a Christian

Watch this video by David Wood as he explains why he is a believer in Jesus Christ. Lots of people have been asking me how I became a Christian, because I sometimes mention that I’m a former atheist. This video discusses my conversion and explains why I left atheism and became convinced that Jesus is Lord and that he died on the cross for sins and rose from the dead (just as the Bible declares).